Poetry and story is truth.
believe in the power of words!

There's a story...
Maya Angelou has said, “We are more alike, my friends, than we are unalike.” Those words and my parents’ constant, “You’re in America, you can be anything,” help fuel my poetry and professional work. For me, the journey is about finding my way in the world.
I truly believe in the power of words: spoken, written, read; and hope something touches your heart or brain, and that you see the wonder of life that we all celebrate in writing.

Poetic Sketches
The Barbie Trilogy
In plastic pose with toes en pointe
her golden locks flow. Her eyes,
heavily-lined, have the drugged
gaze of the dazed, the look
of looking through you.
Her waist, strapped to the back
of the box, slips as twisties come
loose. She falls to freedom as her skirt
reveals thigh and her pillbox
purse hits ground.

How I Work
I’ve been part of the Metropolitan Arts Council and Greenville County School District’s SmartArts program for 16 years. I’m experienced in teaming with classroom teachers to co-teaching curriculum using creative writing and poetry.
I also book for readings and writing workshops and believe everyone has a story and can write. The trick is being patient and working in a trusting environment.
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"Vera is a masterful presenter. Her poetry session was brilliantly planned and masterfully implemented to promote engagement, creativity and inspiration for future work. Her session inspired participants to find the poet within and to take their writing to the next level. We highly recommend her."